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Human Diseases - Protozoans
2013-02-24, 6:49 PM

Protozoan Diseases

(Protos: First, zoans:animals)

Ø  Protozoans

           These are the diverse group of eukaryotic organisms and are unicellular in nature with a size 10-15 mm. The body is covered with an exoskeleton made up of silica or calcium carbonate.Mostly these are found in moist environments, fresh water, marine water, soil, decaying organic matter and inside the plants & animals.

           These were first observed by A.V.Leewenhoek and named them as animalcules later the name was introduced by Goldfuss and unicellular nature was identified by Von Siebold.

ØDiseases caused by protozoans in Human beings



Mode of infection

Affected part

Life Cycle

Incubation period



Preventive & Control measures, Treatment(Antibiotics)


Plasmodium falciparum


Liver & RBC’s

Man, Female Anophelus mosquito

9 – 14 days

Cold stage: Severe chill, Shivering

Hot stage: High fever, rise in pulse

Common: Head ache , Vomting

Elimination of mosquitoes by sprayinhd insecticides/kerosene,growing GAMBUSIA fish which feeds the mosquito larvae.

Sulfodoxin, Mefloquine,



Entamoeba histolytica

Contaminated food with faeces & oral faecal matter.



10 – 16 days

Abdominal pain, diarrhoea,vomting etc.,

Washing hands before & after taking the food, using boiled water for cooking & drinking, avoid eating raw vegetables.

  Metranidazole, Iodoquinol.

NOTE: For all of these diseases, fever and head ache are common symptoms

Ø        Diseases

·         Malaria

It is a communicable disease caused by a protozoan Plasmodium falciparum by living in the liver. There are about 300 million people affecting with this disease in the world per year.

Ø  Life Cycle

o   Sporozoites of the mosquito are transmitted to the humans by the mosquito bite.

o   Sporozoites enters into the liver and multiplies (5-7 hours) forming thousands of merozoites within 20 -30 minutes.

o   Merozoites burst out of the liver into the blood stream and invade the RBC’s, develop into gametocytes.

o   Gametocytes are taken up by the mosquito from the human when it takes the blood meal.

o   Oocyst develops in the gut wall divides and produces 10,000 sporozoites within 1 – 2 minutes.

o   Sporozoites releases and moves to the salivary glands, ready to infect another person.


·         Amoebiasis

It is caused by a protozoan parasite Entamoeba histolytica by living in the intestine and produces cysts which are passed from the body in the form of stool. They are about 100 million people are affecting with this disease per year.

Ø  Life Cycle

o   Cysts ingested with food or water contaminated with human faecal matter.

o   Cysts enter to the small intestine by releasing an enzyme histolysin in the stomach and releases trophozoites which colonizes the large intestine.

o   Trophozoites will reproduce and invade the blood vessels of large intestine and be transported to the to the other organs of the body.

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