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Human Digestive System(Part 2)
2013-02-14, 9:36 AM

Ø  Pharynx

          It is a channel for both air and food. The upper parts connect with the nose and mouth, lower parts with the larynx leading to the oesophagus for swallowing.

At the distal end of glottis, epiglottis and reflexes controlled by the brain which prevents food from being swallowed by the wrong way. If food enters into the larynx coughing reflexes expels inhaled particles. 

Ø  Oesophagus

It is a thick walled tube consisting longitudinal and circular muscle fibres which runs between the pharynx and stomach. The wall of oesophagus is lined with mucous membrane which secretes mucous (acts a s lubricant for passage of food)

o   Peristaltic movements

Swallowing is a voluntary action where oesophagus is involuntary because inside it will show contractions and relaxation (works as their wish) producing wave like movements known as peristaltic movements.

Note: No enzymes are present in this and the role is just transferring the food to the stomach.

Ø  Stomach

It is a elastic sac that forms the widest part of the digestive tract and food is churned by the muscles and mixes with the secretion. The important parts of stomach are

§  Serosa: Outer membrane of the stomach.

§  Sub mucosa: Composed of loose connective tissues.

§  Mucosa: Inner membrane containing mucous substance, enzymes ,harmones and acid.

o   Muscles in Stomach

These are circular, longitudinal and oblique layer of the smooth muscles. The oesophagus which joins the stomach known as oesophageal sphincter which helps to control the entry of food. At the exit of the stomach pyloric sphincter is present which opens and closes to allow food to move into the duodenum.

o   Acid(Hcl) in Stomach

The contents of the stomach are acidic due to the presence of HCL(PH:2) which helps in killing the bacteria present in the food and also destroys the  structure of proteins hence enzymes can digest them easily 

o   Enzymes in Stomach


A substance produced by a living organism that acts as a catalyst to bring about a specific biochemical reaction known as enzymes.

§  Pepsin and Lipase


·         Pepsin
Proteins ---> Peptones + Polypeptides

·         Lipase

Fats---> Fatty acids + Glycerol




       ↓ Acid


Ø  Parts beside the stomach

o   Liver – Largest organ

It is a wadge shaped located in the upper right hand side of the abdominal cavity, brown in colour producing bile. The cells present in the l

Liver known as Hepatocytes.Bile reaches the duodenum through a bile duct.

·         Bile Juice

It is a mixed colour of yellow and golden brown , thick and sticky in nature without any enzymes. It constitutes

§  Water : 86%

§  Bile pigments: Bilurubin and Biliverdin.

§  Bile salts: Sodium cholate and Sodium deoxycholate.

·         Bile Salts

These salts help in changing the fats into the smaller particles known as emulsification. It is very important in the distribution of lipids and absorption of fatty acids.

When bile duct is blocked, it mixes with the blood and circulates around the body. Due to this eye and skin becomes yellow, known as JAUNDICE.


o   Gall bladder

It is a pear shaped dark colored sac lying behind the liver which helps to store the bile juice temporarily.

o   Pancreas

It is an elongated part lying behind the stomach and partly with the curved of the duodenum. It secretes the juice containing enzymes which breaks down the carbohydrates, fats and proteins. These enzymes secretes into the duct that conveys to the pancreatic duct which transports the enzymes to the duodenum.

o   Functions

·         Glucagon: Raises the level of glucose (sugar) in the blood.

·         Insulin: Stimulates cells to use glucose.

·         Somatostatin: May regulate the secretion of glucagon’s and insulin.

o   The Islets of Langerhans, known as "islets," are clusters of cells scattered throughout the pancreas.

Ø  Intestine

o   Small intestine

It is a narrow and tubular part occupying the central and lower part of the abdominal cavity. It is composed of:

§  Duodenum: It is the shortest, widest and flexible part of the intestine forming U or C shaped area and receives the pancreatic juice.

§  Jejenum: It is the middle part lying between duodenum and ileum which is soft                      and long.

§  Ileum: It is the longest part which helps to absorb the nutrients from the digested food passed along from other two parts and opens into the caecum.


o   Absorption in Intestine

The transportation of products of digestion from the intestine into the blood known as absorption.

The intestinal wall has a number of finger like projections Villi(Villus) helps in absorption by increasing the surface area.Thedigested product first absorbed into the villi from there into the body.


o   Large intestine

It is a short and widest bent tube which absorbs water and discharges undigested food. It is composed of:

§  Caecum: It is the proximal part where ileum opens consisting a pouch like structure which ends in a tubular region known as vermiform appendix.

§  Colon: It converts chyme into faeces for excretion. During this process colon converts water from the chime changes it from liquid to solid form. It also synthesizes vitamins K and B and gases like hydrogen, carbondioxide, hydrogen sulphide and methane.

§  Rectum: It is the final secretion of the intestine. Normally it is empty except before defecation i.e., partly faeces into the rectum by the wave movements.

§  Anus: It is lined with vertical vertical ridges known as anal columns with two flat sheets of muscles in the wall of the anal canal. The sphincters (internal and external) act like valves and relax during defecation.

……………………….………..THE END………………………………………

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