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Environmental Pollution
2013-02-24, 6:57 PM

Environmental Pollution

The presence of unwanted changes which includes the matter like gas, liquid, solid and energy like heat, noise, radiation that occurs in the air, water and soil known as pollution or environmental pollution. The main reasons for this are                                                                                                                 

            ü  Population explosion.

            ü     Rapid and uncontrolled urbanization.

            ü     Modernizing of agricultural methods.

The harmful substances which cause changes in the environment by affecting the living organisms known as pollutants.

·         Pollution is measured in PPM (Parts Per Million)

Air Pollution

The presence of chemicals, particulates or biological materials that causes discomfort or death to living organisms and environment known as air pollution.


·         Composition of Air : 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen and 1% xenon, argon, helium, neon etc.,

Pollutants in Air




Carbon monoxide: It is a gas that cannot be seen and smell



Vehicle’s smoke, burning fossil fuels.

circulatory system (inhalation of gas mixes with the haemoglobin and forms carboxyhaemoglobin), fatal development.


Sulphur dioxide: It is a gas that cannot be seen but gives a smell of rotten egg.


Coal-fired power plants, petroleum refineries.

Eye irritation, chest tightness, respiration problem, loss o f chlorophyll (chlorosis) in plants, monuments – Tajmahal (turns to yellow colour).


Carbon dioxide: It is a gas that stays in the air for a long time and warm up the temperature of the planet by trapping the sunlight which results as Green House Effect


Industrial hazards, decayed plants


Rise of temperature, changes in forest composition, damage to land.


Acid rains: It is a combination of Nitrous oxide and Sulphur dioxide, when dissolves in rain water it forms sulphuric acid and Nitric acid.



Nitrous oxide & Sulphur dioxide.


Water, trees, buildings, respiration problem.



Aerosols: It is a suspension of fine solid or liquid particles from a gas containing chlorofluoro carbons.



Industrial hazards, biomass combustion.


Destroys ozone layer.

 Water Pollution

                It is the contamination of water bodies like lakes, rivers, oceans etc., which occurs when pollutants are discharged directly or indirectly to the water bodies. The main reasons for this are

ü  Industrial effluents.

ü  Sewages.

ü  Water contaminated with insecticides, fungicides, chemicals.


Ø  Sources of Water Pollution

·         Point sources: It occurs when the harmful substances enter directly into the water. Example: Pipes to rivers.

·         Non-point sources: It occurs when there is a runoff of harmful substances into the water. Example: Fertilizers to streams.


Ø  Fluorosis

·         It is caused by excessive fluorine in the water, by taking such type of water results in crippling and pains to the body.

·         Symptoms include softening and bending of bones, dental problems (changes occur in the enamel).


Ø  Eutrophication

The excessive richness of materials in the water by nutrients (animal waste, fertilizers) from the land, causes dense group of life, decomposition of plants (oxygen supply will be low) leading to death of animal life.


Ø  Biodegradation

A process in which the substances can be broken down into simpler compound by micro organisms

Examples:  excreta, sewage, pollen grains, etc.


Ø  Non Biodegradation

A process in which the substances cannot be breakdown or taking an inordinate amount of time to do so (because they cannot be dissolved by the bacteria).

Examples: Common plastics, DDT, metal wastes such as lead, mercury, arsenic, etc.

Thermal Pollution

The pollution of water by excess heat than its original known as thermal pollution. It occurs when water is used as a coolant near the industrial plants, then returns to the aquatic environment at a high temperature.

Land Pollution

It is the degradation of the earth’s land surface through misuse of the soil by poor agricultural practices, mineral exploitation, industrial wastes, radioactive wastes etc.

Control measures of Pollution

·         Water pollution can be prevented by collecting human and cattle faeces in septic tanks and Gobar Gas Plants.

·         Thermal pollution can be controlled by fixing cooling towers.

·         Water pollution can be controlled by treating the effluents in effluent treatment plants.

·         Air pollution can be controlled by reducing the use of vehicles.

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