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Animal Kingdom & Phylums(Part 2)
2013-02-08, 10:28 PM

Animal Kingdom


Ø  Phylum Annelida


·         Coined by ‘Lamarck’.

·         Cuvier’ separated the segmented worms from the other worms.

General characters:

·         Triploblastic,,bilateral with schizocoelomatesand metamerism

·         Aquatic, moist, free living, burrows, soily

·         Size: 1mm-3mm(earthworm)

·         Shape: body is elongated with externally and internally segmentation. It is covered by a transparent non-chitinous cuticle

·         Symmetry: bilateral

·         Locomotion: by muscles and setae) or parapodia.

·         Digestion: well developed mouth and anus

·         Respiration: through the skin

·         Nervous system: Brain and nerve cord

·         Excretion: segmental nephridia (tubule open)

·         Circulation: closed type with repiratory pigment dissolves in blood plasma.

·         Reproduction: sexes are uinted, both sperm and eggs within its body and reproduce sexually and some reproduce asexually.

·         Life cycle: Trochopore larvae( free swimming, bands of cilia)

·         Examples: Leech,Earthworm,Lampito.


Ø  Phylum Arthopoda (largest phylum)


·         Coined by ‘Von Siebold’.

General characters:

·         Triploblastic, metamerism with reduced coelom animals

·         Mostly located in dry environment (warm, dark, wet)

·         Size: mostly about the size of a thumbnail, American cockroach (4cm).

·         Shape: body is segmented and joined externally, exoskeleton made up of by ‘chitin’.

·         Body cavity is filled by blood (homocoel)

·         Symmetry: bilateral

·         Locomotion: jointed appendages

·         Nutrition:’ depends on food somewill live without food 1 month.

·         Respiration: through thoracic and abdominal spiracles

·         Digestion: well developed mouth and anus (sucking/chewing)

·         Circulation: dorsal side open type

·         Nervous system: paired dorsal ganglia, muscles striated

·         Excretion: green glands or by hind gut

·         Reproduction: sexes are separate. Mostly oviparous (egg laying) few viviparous (young ones)

·         Examples: Cockroach,Scorpions,Crabs,Spiders.


Ø  Phylum Mollusk (Second largest phylum)


·         Coined by ‘Aristotle’

General characters:

·         Triploblastic, , soft bodied with schizocoelomates unsegmented animals

·         Aquatic, free living, some are on land and attached to the rocks, some will live in burrows, some will float.

·         Size: 1-22m(>70ft) – Tridacna

·         Shape: body is covered by a shell which is divided into head, visceral organs and foot

·         Symmetry: bilateral

·         Locomotion by ventral foot

·         Respiration  by gills or lungs

·         Circulation: heart, blood and blood vessels.

·         Nervous: well developed with a series of ganglia

·         Digestion: well developed mouth and anus

·         Excretion: through nephridium

·         Reproduction: usually separate. Some will reproduce themselves with a large organ ‘Gonad’

·         Life cycle: Veliger, Glochidium

·         Examples: Octopus, Pilia, Sepia,loligo,

Phylum Echinodermata

·         Coined by ‘Jacob klein’ and confirmed by ‘Leuckart’

General characters:

·         Triploblastic, bilateral (larvae), radial (adults) unsegmented, enterocoelomate (mesoderm) deuterostomain (second mouth) animals.

·         Mostly located in salt water, few in fresh water

·         Size: more than 2mts (sea cucumber)

·         Shape: flattened in oro-aboral regions. Body is covered by a delicate epidermis and with spines, unique water vascular system (used for the movement of tube feet)

·         Symmetry  bilateral (larvae, radial (adult)

·         Locomotion  by tube feet (hollow appendages, flexible)

·         Respiration by spines, from skin gills

·         Digestion: well developed mouth and anus (some mouth on bottom and anus on top)

·         Reproduction: sexes are separate (once female can release 100 million eggs)

·         Special character: shows autotomy (self mutilation)

·         Life cycle: Ophioplutes, Brachiolaria.

·         Examples: Starfish, Synapto, Antedon, Cucumaria

........................................THE END.....................................






























Category: My files | Added by: anve
Views: 11981 | Downloads: 0 | Comments: 2 | Rating: 5.0/1
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1 Suzanne Frumkin  
Charlyn Urbani
Chad Halprin
Jeromy Tatel
why they are so famous, why is that possible?.?

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